New site for a new term

We thought it was time to have a new website for our lovely Latin books, so off we popped and back we came with a shiny new site. I’m sure it has lots of holes in it still, so please let me know if so.

The aim for this new site is to keep loading up with Latin content from our So you really want to learn Latin course, and from the YouTube channel, allowing you to see what is available and – with any luck – helping you with the joyous process of learning Latin. When I learn how to do this, I might even try to upload a digital version of the course, so that you can be bashing away at your Latin while on a train, or mowing the lawn, or wherever you might happen to be.

I will also try to up my game with regard to loading up some practice exercises, so that when you have watched the YouTube lesson and looked in the book, you will have some more material to practise with. So stand by!

In the meantime, please let me know what you think, what you think might be missing, and what doesn’t seem to be working, and we will try to sort it out as soon as possible.



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